You can easily record and share your dreams. You can share yourdream-related creations and share your inspiration.

Elephant on my mind
A year ago,
a baby elephant appeared in the house
where my mom and I lived.
The baby elephant has grown bigger and bigger and bigger, to the extent that my mom and I can't handle it.
The elephant's body was so huge that it pierced the roof of my house and my mom scolded me when she saw it.
Because of the elephant that suddenly appeared and suddenly got bigger, I only cried unfair tears.
I think my heart that I couldn't always be the perfect daughter appeared in my dream.
The pressure I'm under from my mom suddenly grew and It seems to be expressed as an elephant that pierced the roof.
1년여 전
엄마와 저 둘이 살고있는 집에 아기코끼리가 나타났어요.
기어코 아기코끼리는 점점 커져 저희 모녀가 감당할 수 없는
정도가 되었어요. ⠀
코끼리의 성체는 너무나도 거대해 저희 집 지붕을 뚫었고
엄마는 그런 코끼리를 보며 저를 질타하셨어요. ⠀
갑자기 나타나 갑자기 커진 코끼리때문에
저는 억울한 눈물만 흘렸습니다.
엄마에게 항상 완벽한 딸이 되지 못했던
제 마음이 드러난 것 같아요.
엄마에게 받는 은근한 압박, 눈치가 갑자기 커져
지붕을 뚫어버린 코끼리로 표현된 것 같습니다.
- This project was created based on someone's dream.
- 이 프로젝트는 누군가의 꿈을 제보받아 창작되었습니다.