You can easily record and share your dreams. You can share yourdream-related creations and share your inspiration.

The moment he shoots,
I was running somewhere.
I think I was being chased by someone.
My opponent was holding a weapon and
I couldn't stop for hours.
I was running for a long time
and there was a swimming pool in front of me.
I was scared to fall into the water, but I ran thinking that I wouldn't be able to catch up anymore if I fell in here.
When I arrived in the water, my opponent pointed a gun at me and I jumped into the water.
The moment he pulled the trigger on me, something like firecrackers popped out instead of bullets.
어디론가 달리고 있었어.
내가 누군가에게 쫓기는 중 이었던 것 같아.
상대가 무기를 들고 있어서 몇 시간 동안 멈출 수가 없었어.
한참을 달리는데 앞에 수영장 같은 넓은 풀이 나오더라고.
물에 빠지는 건 무서웠지만 ‘내가 이 곳에 빠지면
더 이상 쫓아올 수 없을 거야'라는 생각으로 달렸어.
물 앞에 다다르자 상대는 나에게 총을 겨눴고
나는 물 속으로 뛰어들었어.
나에게 방아쇠를 당기는 순간, 총알 대신 폭죽 같은 게 펑!
- This project was created based on someone's dream.
- 이 프로젝트는 누군가의 꿈을 제보받아 창작되었습니다.